马塞诸斯州大学的 Boston

Pre-collegiate Programs

Empowering Students for 成功

The mission of Pre-collegiate and Educational Support Programs is to provide low-income and first generation students, students with disabilities and students who are underrepresented in graduate education with the skills, knowledge, and motivation to successfully pursue post-secondary and post-baccalaureate education. This mission is achieved through programs that are designed to address a range of learning needs and serve pre-collegiate students and 马塞诸斯州大学的 Boston undergraduates.

Math/Science Upward Bound

The 马塞诸斯州大学的 Boston-Noble and Greenough School Upward Bound Math-Science Program (UBMS) is a year-round program that serves 72 high school students from Lawrence, Massachusetts. Focused on students interested in math and science, UBMS identifies those with promising academic records, a desire to improve their future prospects, and the potential to succeed in an accelerated math/science program.

Explore Math/Science Upward Bound

通路 and Multilingual Programs

The 通路 and Multilingual Programs support students in developing essential college academic skills and provide comprehensive resources for college readiness. With a commitment to serving students from diverse sociocultural and linguistic backgrounds, our research-based instructional and advising practices prioritize the integration of students' cultural and linguistic backgrounds, recognizing them as valuable assets in the learning environment.

Talent 搜索

The Talent 搜索 Program identifies and supports disadvantaged young people, encouraging them to graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education. Services are primarily provided at the students' middle or high schools, but appointments can also be made to meet with Talent 搜索 staff at our 马塞诸斯州大学的 Boston campus office.

Explore Talent 搜索

Upward Bound

Upward Bound is an intensive, year-round college-preparatory program dedicated to supporting low-income, first-generation college bound high school students. Through rigorous academic courses, tutoring, college-preparatory workshops, advising, and enrichment activities, we aim to prepare participants for higher education and empower them academically and socially.

Urban Scholars

Urban Scholars is a transformative program that empowers committed students to develop the necessary skills, motivation, and experiences for success in college. Since its inception in 1983, Urban Scholars has served nearly 1,500 academically talented Boston public high school students, achieving an impressive college enrollment rate of 98 percent, far surpassing their non-exam high school peers.

Explore videos and photo albums from past summer institutes:


Contact Us

If you have a question or are looking for information about any of our Pre-Collegiate programs, 请 电子邮件我们.

Office Location

McCormack, 3rd Floor, Room 703
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, MA 02125-3393
Phone: 617-287-5840 Fax: 617-287-5844